
Planning Effective Online Lessons

Designed to support teachers at all levels apply core elements of backward design, formative assessment, and differentiation in planning online lessons that engage and motivate students.  
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Course Features

Each module takes an average of 15-30 minutes and includes:

A brief video to introduce each topic

Collaborative learning activities

Core resources to read at your own pace

Additional resources for deeper learning

Opportunities to reflect on your practice

Course Overview

Sample Course Video
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Module 1: Rethinking Teaching and Learning in an Online Classroom
Recognize the challenges of distance learning, reflect on teaching and learning online, and understand the difference between synchronous and asynchronous activities.

Module 2: Creating Differentiated Learning Targets
Establish differentiated instructional outcomes and incorporate them into instruction.

Module 3: Planning Engaging Activities
Incorporate a balance between synchronous and asynchronous activities in your lessons, align learning targets with activities, and design activities that are appropriate to synchronous learning.

Module 4: Formative Online Assessment
Utilize alignment criteria to ensure congruence among learning outcomes, activities, assessments, and rubrics. You will also be able to design formative assessments and plan for instructional adjustments

Module 5: Differentiating Instruction Online
Design lessons that are coherent and plan to differentiate instruction using a variety of techniques and strategies